Thank you for your interest in our study! Registration is now closed.
Welcome to SALAM! A FREE program that teaches young people skills to cope with daily problems.
SALAM was developed by The World Health Organization and global experts.
The Institute for Family Health are now testing it in a research study to see how much it helps young people to reduce stress and cope with problems.
Please watch the video or read the text below to find out more about the SALAM study and how you can take part.
SALAM is a brief program designed to teach young people to learn new skills to cope with daily problems and to deal better with stress.
It was developed by The World Health Organization and global experts and has been adapted for use in Jordan by Institute for Family Health.
We want you to know from the start that SALAM is a voluntary research project.
So, joining us in this study is really up to you.
Of course, we would love to have you on board!
Before we begin we want to make sure you are as informed as possible about our study.
We would also like to ask for your consent before we do anything else.
SALAM is a support programme provided through a chatbot (an automatic internet programme that delivers content in a similar way to a conversation).
We have developed this programme for people across the world who are experiencing difficult emotions.
Like you, they could be experiencing stress or low mood.
The aim of this study is to see if SALAM works, and to make it better based on people’s experiences with it.
We are a collaborative team from the Institute for Family Health, and the World Health Organization.
The development of SALAM was influenced by similar programmes carried out by research teams in different parts of the world.
We are hoping to build on their progress, and create something best suited to the needs of those we wish to help.
So we need your help to find out if SALAM works and how we can improve the programme!
People who participate in our study will be able to learn from our research in one of two ways.
Both are designed to help you feel better!
One group will be directed to the SALAM programme we have developed, to learn how to cope with stress in an interactive programme. SALAM offers 10 online lessons, that take around 20 minutes to complete.
You can do the sessions at home on your smartphone or computer.
If you don’t have a smartphone or computer, or access to internet, you can use a tablet that is provided in the IFH centres.
Each session will encourage you to use these new techniques in your daily life. Every week, one of our e-helpers (a person trained to provide support with using SALAM) will message or call you, to give you support and answer any questions you might have.
If you agree, some sessions with your e-helper may be audio recorded so that the research team can check whether you are receiving correct and high-quality support.
Recordings will only be used for these purposes and only available to the research team. Your helper will always first ask you for your permission before record the call.
You have the right to refuse, and this will not affect the support you will receive.
Calls will be selected at random.
We will destroy the recordings immediately after the project is completed.
The other group will be directed to information we have developed to learn more about stress, and where to find more support if needed.
This information will be provided once, and there will be no weekly additional information or interaction.
Both routes will take you towards existing support that is available to you right now.
Which group you get will be chosen automatically and by chance.
There is no way for us to influence this.
If you do not get access to the SALAM programme now, your participation in the study will still help us to optimize the programme.
This means we will be able to share it with more people later.
Our goal is to help as many people as possible with this programme.
So please know this: whatever your next steps, they are equally important to us!
Both groups will be asked to complete questionnaires at the beginning of the study.
Then eight weeks later.
And then once more after three months.
You will complete the questionnaires online, which will take approximately 20 minutes.
We really appreciate your input at these stages of the study.
These results are very important.
Why? Because this will help us to understand if the programme has helped you or not and how it can be improved to help more people worldwide.
This will then help us to help others!
Once it is time for you to questionnaires, we will contact you through a phone call, WhatsApp, or e-mail, depending on your preference.
Some people may find answering questions about their emotions difficult at first.
If you have difficulties answering the questions in the questionnaires, please don’t hesitate to contact us under: [email protected]
Or you can send the SALAM team a WhatsApp message at: 0799925671
The information you share with us is confidential.
No one outside our research team will learn how you feel or what you are going through.
E-helpers will share your information with the clinical supervisor to make sure you get the best possible help.
It is free to sign up for SALAM, and you will not receive any payment for participating in the research.
Participants in both groups will receive 3JOD in phone credit upon completion of the last questionnaires.
This compensation is our small but heartfelt way of saying thank you for your time!
Now you know more about our study, it’s time to know if you would like to sign up for participation! If you do not agree or do not understand any of the information we have shared with you, please feel free to contact us for clarification.
You can message us for a call back to ask any questions about any part of the study at:
[email protected]
Or you can send the SALAM team a WhatsApp message at: 0799925671